You can choose to pay here and notify us or follow the steps below
1. Log in to your POB TALK account or REGISTER if you are a NEW USER.
2. Click ACCOUNT.
4. Enter the AMOUNT you want to pay.
5. Click Pay.
6. It will then redirect you to the payment portal.
Note: Paystack is our payment processor. It is SECURE and SAFE.
7. Enter your CARD NUMBER [this is the number on the front side of your ATM CARD above your name].
You can use other means of payment options like “pay with Bank” or “USSD” short code.
8. Enter your ATM CARD EXPIRY DATE: e.g. 01/22
9. Click Pay
10. It may redirect VISA CARD Users to the VERIFIED BY VISA Page to enter their 3-D Secure Password and click Submit. Enter the OTP sent to your phone and click Submit.
11. We will show you the STATUS of your TRANSACTION and your SMS wallet will automatically be credited SMS units.